At the Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra, we are committed to providing our patrons with the very best musical experience. We put together 4 concerts every season, each time featuring vibrant new soloists who deliver premium musical content. All of this requires funding, which is often hard to come by. We rely almost entirely on the revenue generated from ticket sales to continue putting on concerts and performing quality music in our community.
If you would like to support the future performance of quality symphonic music in our community, we humbly ask that you consider making a donation.
You can send a cheque to the following address: Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra, PO Box 2076 Station Main, Chilliwack BC. V2R 1A5.
We also have a Sponsorship Program for local businesses who wish to advertise in our programs.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get into contact with us at :
Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra
Thank you for your ongoing support!

To find out more about the Supporters Club, click HERE
Do you want to donate your time? Click here : Call for Volunteers