- March 26, 2023 Concert : Classical Music’s All-Time Greatest Hits . . . Ever!
- (Photo courtesy of Nigel P.)

Jessica Jou, pianist

- March 26, 2023 Rehearsal : Classical Music’s All-Time Greatest Hits . . . Ever!
- (Photo courtesy of Nigel P.)
- December 11th, 2022 concert screen captures from our YouTube channel videos.

2022 Christmas Concert (2 parts) : 107 minutes total runtime
007 and a Funeral . . . at “Hallowe’en Spooktacular 2” on October 30, 2022
- photos courtesy of Nigel P.

Photos from our Live Concert : “Heroes and Villains” (March 27, 2022)
Lancelot versus Darth Vader
Those of you who were there know how this story ended.

At the pre-concert run-through on March 27, 2022

Here are a few recent photos of the CMO at rehearsal on March 23, 2022. We are looking forward to our concert on Sunday, March 27.
Please join us. Tickets can be purchased in advance, online, at http://heroesandvillains.eventbrite.com/ . . . or at the door.

And from previous seasons . . .